Social Events
BtBL plans several social events per month for our private members to utilize. These include couples dates, family days, mom & child play dates, picnics, dinners, movies, conceal & carry classes, conferences & retreats, running club, book club, our annual partners of LEO SWAT Weekend, and many more to come! These events allow for the meeting and socializing among wives who live and understand our lives, as well as encourage continued relationships and friendships.
For questions or more information on upcoming events, contact

This formal social event invites law enforcement officers and their spouses to eat, drink, dance and play the night away while honoring and raising money for Minnesota law enforcement through supporting Backing the Blue Line. Stay tuned for upcoming information on the 2018 Blue Line ball!

SWAT stands for sweets, wine, and training, and is our annual ladies retreat held each fall. Our mission for this annual event is to connect police wives/significant others while sharing some R&R time and receiving training about how to navigate this ever changing and challenging life we live. Attendees have the opportunity to share a weekend of time, stories, meals, drinks, and laughs with other ladies who just “get it.” Attendees also have an opportunity to learn from various experts including motivational speakers, safety experts, current and former officers, therapists, and more.